How to Fix Ponding Water on Flat Roof

Jan 30, 2023

How to fix ponding water on flat roof? Flat roofs are a popular choice for commercial and industrial buildings, but they can also be prone to problems such as ponding water. Ponding water is the accumulation of water on a flat roof that doesn’t drain properly. This can lead to a host of issues, from leaks and mold growth to structural damage.

There are many options available to solve ponding water problems on your flat roof. This is because of the potential for leakage.

Flush Existing Drains

Commercial roof drains can become blocked, just like your home’s drains. These clogs can lead to standing water on your roof, in extreme cases.

You can prevent debris buildup by removing leaves, sticks, and other roof debris from your drainage system. This will allow rain and snow to flow away from the building. This will fix ponding water on your flat roof. It will also prolong your drainage system’s life.

This debris can be quite harmless on its own. It can cause problems with your roof and drainage system if it continues to build up. You will not only be able to prolong the life of your drainage system, but also your roof’s.

A professional roofing company can also be hired to clean your drainage system once or twice a year. This should be enough to ensure your drainage system is working at its best.

While it might be a small investment in time and money, this preventative maintenance will pay off in the long-term.

Fix Low Spots

Commercial flat roofs can be called flat, but they don’t always look flat. Because of subtle slopes in the roof’s surface, which can be caused by the installation process, weak spots or a focus of debris or rain, this is not always a flat roof.

Qualified contractors are also skilled in how to slope flat roofs for drainage. These slopes allow for drainage to ensure that your roof does not collect too much water. This helps drain excess water from the roof to the exterior drainage system or designated internal drains which will transport it away.

Water ponding is one of the problems with these low spots. The drains may become clogged with debris, and they can fail to perform their duties. This can lead to water buildup that can damage the roof membrane and eventually cause leakage.

How to Slope a Flat Roof for Drainage

To direct water away from the drains, a professional roofing contractor will fill in any gaps with roof plaster. The goal is to get as much water to your building’s drains as possible to fix ponding water on flat roof.

Add Drain Lines

There are several things you can do to improve your drainage system if it is having trouble removing water from your flat roof. Although it is more expensive, additional drains are one of the best ways to address this problem.

Additional drains may be required for flat roofs in areas that receive high amounts of precipitation. Most building owners don’t realize this until they notice that water ponding can become a serious problem after a storm.

Professional roofing contractors are qualified to install additional drain lines or widen existing drains to drain excess water off your roof.

This is an additional cost that most building owners won’t want to pay. It is possible to find a better option.

Roof Crickets

You might notice that water pools on your flat roof. These areas are usually located near chimneys and large vents. Installing roof crickets is the best way to combat water ponding around these areas.

The rigid structure of a cricket is designed to divert rainwater and melted snow around roof obstructions such as chimneys and vents. These obstructions can have a difficult time draining water due to their design or positioning.

If standing water is common in transitions between roofs, adding crickets can help. Crickets may not be sufficient if there is ponding water on other roof areas. It is essential to learn how to drain water from flat roofs.

How to Drain Water from a Flat Roof

Installing roof crickets is a great way to get rid of standing water.

Re-pitch the Rooftop

Your commercial roof may be having problems keeping ponding water away. This could be because the pitch was not correctly designed or installed at the beginning. Even if it’s subtle, all roofs require some form of slope.

The right slope is essential to ensure that storm water doesn’t build up and pool on your commercial roof.

Re-pitching a roof can be expensive, but it may be the only way to solve the ponding problems on your commercial roof. While it might be worthwhile to explore other options, if you are forced to invest, there are far better things.

The best part is that you can re-pitch your roof before any problems arise. Standing water is an obvious sign. However, you might also notice storm damage and want to prevent it from happening.

Replace the Membrane

Your roof’s membrane is the protective layer that protects your roof from moisture entering the attic, roof or other areas. It can cause serious structural damage if moisture builds up within your building’s structure.

It might be worth replacing the roof membrane if the membrane is damaged. This can happen for many reasons, including ponding water. If replacing the roof is too expensive, this is an option.

Many membranes are designed to resist ponding water. If you need to replace your roof’s membrane with a newer, more efficient one, it could be a blessing in disguise. A flat roof inspector can tell you how much ponding is allowed.

Damaged Flat Roof Membrane

Preventative maintenance can be done to make sure that your membrane lasts the test of time. To ensure that your membrane is in good condition, a roofing contractor should inspect it at least once a year.

Compress Insulation

Compressed insulation is another problem that can be addressed by frequent inspections. This could also help to prevent ponding water from your commercial roof. Insufficient insulation can cause serious problems to your roof.

The majority of compressed insulation is caused by heavy roofing equipment, which rests on top of the insulation during installation. Repetitive treading on the roof can cause indentations that can lead into pooling.

This is why you need to take the necessary precautions when installing insulation or inspecting it. These processes can cause damage to the roof, but a little care could save you time and money.

One of the most important aspects to owning a commercial building is keeping its roof in good condition. The roof is your last line of defense against the elements. It must work correctly.

You can keep your roof in good shape with some preventative maintenance and a little attention. These tips will help you get rid of ponding water.

Get a Free Estimate

If you have a flat roof that needs repair, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to avoid further damage and costly repairs. Flat roofs are prone to leaks and other issues, and can cause damage to the interior of your building if not repaired promptly. Roofing Co. is a reputable company that specializes in flat roof repair. They use the latest techniques and materials to provide a durable and long-lasting repair. Call Roofing Co. today to schedule an assessment and get a quote for flat roof repair services.

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No matter what style or type you prefer, Roofing Co. can install any roof for you with great pride and care.

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